Monday, August 24, 2015

Invaisve Species Mouthfull Challenge!

Biodiversity is short for biological diversity, which means the variety of life on earth, from microbes to plants and animals.

Invasive species are one of the greatest threats to the biodiversity of Ontario’s waters, wetlands, and woodlands. Coming from other regions of the world, and without their natural predators and controls, invasive species negatively affect biodiversity by taking over habitats and ecosystems.

To help appreciate the impact of invasive species, try the activity below. Each paragraph represents an ecosystem, the letters are the normal components (like native species). The characters represent an invasive species. See how unrecognizable the ecosystem becomes!

1. The introduction of invasive species:
Biodiversity is the va#riety of life on earth, from microbes to pla#nts and a#nima#ls. Invading species a#re one of the greatest threats to the biodiversity of Ontario’s waters, wetla#n*ds, and woodla#n*ds. Coming from other regions of the world, a#nd without their natural pre*dators and controls, invading species a#ffect biodiversity by ta#king over habita#ts an*d ecosystems, and re*ducing the numbers of native species.

2. Invaisve species establish in a new ecosystem:
Bio*diversity is the va#riety of life on ea#rth, from microbes to pla#nts an*d a#nima#ls. Inva#*ding species a#re one of the grea#test thre#ats to the bio*diversity of Onta#rio’s wa#ters, wetla#n*ds, a#n*d woo*dla#n*ds. Coming from other regions of the worl*d, a#n*d without their na#tura#l pre*da#tors a#n*d controls, inva#*ding species a#ffect bio*diversity by ta#king over ha#bita#ts a#n*d ecosystems, a#n*d re*ducing the numbers of na#tive species.

3. Invaisve species out-compete native species for resources:
Bio**divrsity is th va##rity of lif on a##rth, from mirobs to pla##nts an*d a##nima##ls. Inva##**ding spis a##r on of th gra##tst thr##ats to th bio**divrsity of Onta##rio’s wa##trs, wtla##n**ds, a##n**d woo**dla##n**ds. Oming from othr rgions of th worl**d, a##n**d without thir na##tura##l pr**da##tors a##n**d ontrols, inva##**ding spis a##fft bio**divrsity by ta##king ovr ha##bita##ts a##n**d osystms, a##n**d r**duing th numbrs of na##tiv spis.

Check out this resource on invasive species in Ontario and what you can do. Share this challenge with your friends and family!

Credit: Ontario's Invasive Species Awareness Program

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